17 Mei 2012

Task 1-Descriptive text

Direction: You are to write a descriptive text and publish it. Time: 3 meetings (meeting 1=step 1 to 5, meeting 2= step 6 10, meeting 3=step 12-14). To do the task, please follow the steps below:

1.       Choose one of your favorite actor/actress (offline)
2.       Brainstorm any ideas which come to your mind to describe her/him (offline)
3.       Select the ideas which will construct your text (offline)
4.       Make an outline (offline)
5.       Develop the outline into a descriptive text (offline)
6.       Publish your first draft (online)
7.       Visit your friends blog, give feedback to improve their first draft (online)
8.       Check your own blog, revise it (online)
9.       Edit your posting (online)
10.   Publish your second draft (online)
11.   Your teacher will give you feedback or comment to improve your second draft (online)
12.   Check your own blog, revise it (online)
13.   Edit your posting (online)
14.   Publish your final composition (online)
15.   Your teacher will score your posting and give feedback. (online)

*Assumption: teacher and students have made their own blogs

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